Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding Tapes: Woven Miniatures of Buddhist Art by Ralph Isaacs

Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding Tapes: Woven Miniatures of Buddhist Art by Ralph Isaacs

Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding Tapes: Woven Miniatures of Buddhist Art

Sazigyo, Burmese Manuscript Binding Tapes: Woven Miniatures of Buddhist Art by Ralph Isaacs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sazigyo are fine, tablet-woven Burmese tapes used to bind the palm-leaf manuscripts of an earlier era. Tiny images and extended texts were deftly woven into the long, colorful bindings. These Buddhist “textile texts” were commissioned by donors to make merit in the hope of attaining a better rebirth and ultimately nirvana.

This beautiful book elucidates the religious and social context of sazigyo and describes in detail the weaves, texts, designs, and images. It contains stunning, full-scale reproductions and enlargements of many hundreds of sazigyo segments found in collections throughout the world and presents translated excerpts from 150 sazigyo texts.

The book is a celebration of a craft now vanishing and a tribute to the skill and flair of Burmese women weavers. It will appeal to weavers and textile designers and to all admirers of exquisite craftsmanship.

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