Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ The Magic of Crystals: How and why crystals work for us by Teri Van Horn

The Magic of Crystals: How and why crystals work for us by Teri Van Horn

The Magic of Crystals: How and why crystals work for us

The Magic of Crystals: How and why crystals work for us by Teri Van Horn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Crystals, gemstones and stones have been used by many cultures for thousands of years. Early man used these stones as a tool, and as he progressed, his uses for stones and crystals became more sophisticated, using crystals as amulets and talismans. Early man may not have understood science, but he soon learned that crystals had a life of their own and that there were ways that they could help better our lives. Humanity used crystals for meditation and healing, but didn't know how they worked - they believed that it was simply magic. As our culture has advanced and technology improved, we are now able to discover how and why crystals do all the wonderful, miraculous things that they are capable of. In The Magic of Crystals, we explore how crystals, gemstones and minerals work for us, and how best to work with them to achieve the results we desire. We discuss their forms, shapes and the metaphysical properties that make them the unique tool that has been used for 1,000's of years. We learn how to use them for healing, creating grids, defining and clearing Sacred Space, along with identifying stones for healing, prosperity and abundance. We also learn about which stones are best for contact with our Angels, Ascended Masters and Guides; and meditation practices with crystals. The Magic of Crystals is an excellent guide for those who are beginners learning about what crystals have to offer us, to those who have been working with them for years. Forward by Best Selling Author, Alijandra

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