Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Grids and Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers by Princeton Architectural Press

Grids and Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers by Princeton Architectural Press

Grids and Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers

Grids and Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers by Princeton Architectural Press PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Map out graphs, schematics, sketches, and dreams with this sleek and durable workbook. Inspired by vintage laboratory notebooks, Grids & Guides features 144 pages of graph paper (eight designs repeating throughout) interspersed with a multitude of scientific charts, tables, and infographics featuring everything from the periodic table to alternative alphabets to Newton's Laws of Motion. This journal is the perfect tool for right-brainers and left-brainers alike.

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