Chimpanzees (Zoobooks Series) by Ann Elwood
Chimpanzees (Zoobooks Series) by Ann Elwood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
They have fingerprints and fingernails, just like we do, and they laugh when their mothers tickle them. Discover the tool-making techniques and social structure of the hunters that remind us so much of ourselves.Zoobooks, the 59-book animal series - the "everything you wanted to know but didn't know who to ask" guide to the world's most fascinating creatures. Each exciting edition of Zoobooks is packed with current scientific facts, striking photography, beautiful illustrations and unique activities that teach children about animals and the habitats in which they live. With innovative publications and products, Wildlife Education, Ltd. has enriched the lives of children, parents, and educators nationwide for 20 years. All titles are offered in library-bound hardcover and soft-cover styles. Zoobooks, ideal for the knowledge-hungry 4-11 year old!
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