Street Supercharging: Roots, Centrifugal & Twin Screw Superchargers (S-A Design) by Pat Ganahl
Street Supercharging: Roots, Centrifugal & Twin Screw Superchargers (S-A Design) by Pat Ganahl PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Once the limits of a naturally aspirated engine are achieved in terms of horsepower and reliability, there s only one more way to maximize horsepower potential: forced induction. There are two options for realistic forced induction, a turbocharger or a supercharger. While there is considerable debate over which is better, both offer exponential gains over any standard modification on a normally aspirated engine.Written by supercharging expert Pat Ganahl, this book has been the guidebook for supercharging fans for years. As time and technology march on, updates are required to keep things current, and that's exactly what this new, all-color edition of Street Supercharging does. It covers blower basics, blower background and history, a tutorial on how blowers work, and information on used superchargers and their practicality. In addition, this title includes chapters on the different styles of superchargers, like the traditional Roots-style blowers vs. the emerging centrifugal styles, blower installation, how to build your engine to handle the demands of a blower application, and information on tweaking factory blower systems.
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