Come My Beloved!: Women and the Jewish Tradition We Thought We Knew by Marina Goodman
Come My Beloved!: Women and the Jewish Tradition We Thought We Knew by Marina Goodman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
If living a Torah life is supposed to lead to spiritual fulfillment, then why does so much of the Jewish tradition concerning women conflict with modern women’s sensibilities, realities, and aspirations? “Come My Beloved!” provides the missing link in the “women and Judaism” debate by presenting a little known area of the Jewish tradition that describes the world’s developmental process. The teachings are presented within the framework of the Shabbat prayer, Lecha Dodi. Illustrative examples from history and inspirational individuals demonstrate how these teachings have been guiding our societies and lives all along. Interspersed throughout is Goodman’s own very personal account of her own pain and struggle. This tradition helps explain our past and, more importantly, illuminates our future.From reader reviews:
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