Kamis, 30 April 2015

PDF⋙ CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy) by David Kotfila, Joshua Moorhouse, Ross Wolfson

CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy) by David Kotfila, Joshua Moorhouse, Ross Wolfson

CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy)

CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy) by David Kotfila, Joshua Moorhouse, Ross Wolfson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio provides you with opportunities for hands-on practice to master the technologies necessary to configure advanced routing on a production network.


The labs reinforce your understanding of how to install, configure, monitor, and troubleshoot network infrastructure equipment. You will apply your knowledge of configuration of EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP routing protocols and how to manipulate and optimize routing updates between these protocols. Other topics covered include multicast routing, IPv6, and DHCP configuration.


Those preparing for the Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) certification exam should work through this book cover-to-cover. Or if you need to quickly review configuration examples, you can go directly to the relevant chapter.


CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio includes

  • 33 Labs built to support v5 of the Building Scalable Internetworks course within the Cisco® Networking Academy® curriculum providing ample opportunity to practice.
  • 6 Challenge and Troubleshooting Labs have been added to the Lab Portfolio to further test your mastery of the topics.
  • 4 Case Studies provide practice in planning, designing, and implementing EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP networks. Even if you do not have the actual equipment to configure these more complex topologies, it is worth reading through these labs to expand your thinking into more complex networking solutions.


By successfully completing the exercises in this book you will gain the experience necessary to use advanced IP addressing and routing in implementing scalability for Cisco integrated services routers (ISR) connected to LANs and WANs.

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CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy) by David Kotfila, Joshua Moorhouse, Ross Wolfson EPub

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