Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Measures for Clinical Practice and Research, Volume 2: Adults

Measures for Clinical Practice and Research, Volume 2: Adults

Measures for Clinical Practice and Research, Volume 2: Adults

Measures for Clinical Practice and Research, Volume 2: Adults PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

One of the key challenges of all types of practice and research is finding a way to measure the problem. This seminal 2-volume book contains hundreds of the most useful measurement tools for use in clinical practice and in research. All measures are critiqued by the editors, who provide guidance on how to select and score them and the actual measures are wholly reproduced. This second volume, focusing on measures for use with adults, whose conditions of concerns are not focused on family relationships or couple relationships, includes an introduction to the basic priniciples of measurement, an overview of different types of measures, and an overview of the Rapid Assessment Inventories included herein. Volume II also contains descriptions and reviews of each instrument, as well as information on how they were selected and how to administer and score them. This book is designed as the definitive reference volume on assessment measures for both practice and research in clinical mental health. This fifth edition of Corcoran and Fischers Measures for Clinical Practice and Research is updated with a new preface, new scales, and updated information for existing instruments, expanding and cementing its utility for members of all the helping professions, including psychology, social work, psychiatry, counseling, nursing, and medicine. Alone or as a set, these classic compendiums are powerful tools that clinicians and researchers alike will find an invaluable addition to - or update of - their libraries.

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