New Mainers: Portraits of Our Immigrant Neighbors by Pat Nyhan, Photography by Jan Pieter van Voorst van Beest, Reza Jalali
New Mainers: Portraits of Our Immigrant Neighbors by Pat Nyhan, Photography by Jan Pieter van Voorst van Beest, Reza Jalali PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Who are these new Mainers, and why have they come here? They are from war-torn countries such as Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Cambodia; from poor Latin American nations; and from economically vibrant places like Hong Kong, India, and Europe―in other words, from across the global spectrum.
They came to Maine for a job or to reunite with their family or because they fell in love or to attend college here or to flee persecution in their homelands. Although the twenty-five immigrants who tell their stories had widely varying reasons for coming to Maine, many have made remarkable contributions to the state. Some contribute high-level skills in medicine, engineering, academia, law, public-school education, hotel management, and social services. Others have enriched the state's arts and sports worlds. Several are used to going back and forth across borders, either as transnational professionals or as migrant workers. About one-third of these immigrants are successful entrepreneurs. As you will find out, the journeys of these immigrants have not been easy, but all of them are glad they wound up in this state and are proud of their new identities as Mainers. B&W photographsFrom reader reviews:
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