Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ The 1964 Republican Convention: Barry Goldwater and the Beginning of the Conservative Movement by John C. Skipper

The 1964 Republican Convention: Barry Goldwater and the Beginning of the Conservative Movement by John C. Skipper

The 1964 Republican Convention: Barry Goldwater and the Beginning of the Conservative Movement

The 1964 Republican Convention: Barry Goldwater and the Beginning of the Conservative Movement by John C. Skipper PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Arizona senator Barry Goldwater was a staunch conservative more interested in advancing the conservative cause than running for president. A "Draft Goldwater" campaign three years in the making catapulted him to the Republican nomination in 1964, despite bitter opposition within the party. He was defeated in a landslide by Lyndon Johnson but the right had established itself as a reinvigorated force in the years to come. This is a chronicle of the 1964 Republican convention and the beginnings of the modern conservative movement.

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