Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Live To Eat: Meals Everyone Can Make by Adam Pittaway-Hay

Live To Eat: Meals Everyone Can Make by Adam Pittaway-Hay

Live To Eat: Meals Everyone Can Make

Live To Eat: Meals Everyone Can Make by Adam Pittaway-Hay PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

I often hear from colleagues friends and family “I just don’t have time”. My response to them is that making good, fresh meals or snacks takes no time at all and is very easy. In this book you will not find any particular style of cuisine or even a certain cooking style. I believe in entrees, main meals and desserts that can be prepared in 30 to 60 minutes and still allow you the time to do what you need to after a long day at the office; and that is exactly what you will find in this book, with most recipes taking no more than 30 minutes to create. Like most people, I have a full time job and I am also a home taught cook. Over the years I have discovered what I like to call ‘hero’ ingredients (Verjuice, Manuka Honey, Chili, Olive Oil & Dark Chocolate). These ingredients can be used to make meals that are nutritious but most importantly, do not cost the earth. It is my philosophy that recipes should be easy to follow. For this reason I have done away with complex methods, diagrams and cooking times and replaced these with easy to follow steps and one clear ingredients list. Each recipe in this book is designed to serve two people but the ingredients can be scaled to serve as many as you like. By using the ‘hero’ ingredients that I have discussed in this book and using my time saving steps, it is possible for anyone to follow these recipes. I hope you enjoy tasting my delicious and healthy recipes.

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