Senin, 21 April 2014

PDF⋙ Silly Little Goose! by Nancy Tafuri

Silly Little Goose! by Nancy Tafuri

Silly Little Goose!

Silly Little Goose! by Nancy Tafuri PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Now a padded board book, Nancy Tafuri's delightful tale of a silly little goose's misguided quest for the perfect place to make her nest.

Goose is looking for someplace nice and warm to make a nest, but all the good spots are taken! The pigs have the pen, the chicken and chicks are in the henhouse . . . until she finds an old straw hat: warm, quiet, cozy--perfect! Goose lays her eggs and watches over them until-crack! crack! crack!-out pop eight wonderful peeping goslings. Now in a cuddly padded board book format for bed and naptime snuggles.

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