Emoji Pride and Prejudice: Epic Tales in Tiny Texts (Condensed Classics) by Jane Austen, Katherine Furman
Emoji Pride and Prejudice: Epic Tales in Tiny Texts (Condensed Classics) by Jane Austen, Katherine Furman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
ICYMI, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice told in texts and emojis.
What would happen if the characters of Pride and Prejudice could text each other? Would Elizabeth call Mr. Darcy a [poop]? Would Darcy drink and dial and accidentally reveal his true feelings [heart]? In this laugh-out-loud re-telling of Jane Austen's famous work, you'll get a condensed modern interpretation of the world's greatest love story . . . all told through texts and emojis. Featuring hundreds of classic and new emojis along with a removable poster (featuring all the emojis), this is the perfect gift for the Austen lover.
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